Choose Growth Always

Recently, I came across a podcast that I felt was very relatable to me. At any point in our lives, we may stumble across challenges and obstacles that might even cause us to lose focus on our goals and stray away from the path of success. Having a goal is important and it really motivates you to work hard and do your very best.

In my opinion, the long term goal is growth. And to grow, we need to make choices that will turn us into smarter and better individuals tomorrow. The podcast points out several points to which we can apply in our daily routine.

Always look to grow

  1. Bet on yourself
    • Many individuals do not have faith in their own abilities; thus they depend on external factors for their success/failures. When they fail to achieve an objective such as scoring an A for an exam, they blame the professors for not being able to teach well or even blame their classmates for being too smart. Now, I really want you to think, if that classmate is able to score an A for the exam, why are you not able to do so? Maybe, you partied too much or you did not study as hard as them. Always look internally and find ways to improve yourself. You have to bet on yourselves and make choices that would benefit you. At the end of the day, all that is happening to you is the sum of the decisions you took over a period of time.

  2. Be strategic with your time and priorities
    • Everyone has 24 hours a day and what you do with those 24 hours dictates your future. Whenever you have a goal in mind, always look to prioritise tasks that will bring you closer to the goal. This may not be easy because you will have to compromise. In the podcast, Nick Bare mentioned doing sub-par for his non-critical modules but extremely well in modules that are required for him to graduate from college. It is difficult for him to focus on his business and do extremely well for all his modules and thus, he opted to strategically do well for things that will make him achieve his goal faster. I am not saying you should only do well for certain modules, but what I want to illustrate is that when your back is against the wall, plan wisely and be strategic with your tasks and priorities.

  3. Be a learning machine
    • Be that person that is packed with different tools and resources. Always try to learn something every day, be it big or small. Even the small things you learn will help your personal development because the cumulative knowledge that you gain will ensure you are better off than you were yesterday.

  4. Set and Hold a standard
    • Everyone is encouraged to set a standard for themselves. In fact, this is very important because it ensures continuous improvement and development in terms of your character and knowledge as a whole. And by standard, I mean personal standards and not the standard that is accepted by mass society. You have to set a standard that is higher than what society requires of you. Do not hit the bare minimum (societal standards) but instead, raise the bar for yourself. However, setting the standard is only half of the equation. You have to also uphold the standard and assume responsibility for the standard you set. Many a time, people would set a standard but do not actively impose such a standard on themselves, and this sets you up for failure.

  5. Go One More Mindset
    • Go One More mindset is something that you should cultivate and adopt starting from today. What it means is to go the extra mile in everything you do. But it is also much more than just the extra mile, such as one more hour on a project, one more lap, etc. Go One More is wrapped around the idea of being consistent. There was a quote that I felt was very meaningful – “It is more important to be consistently good than occasionally great.” When someone is consistently good, they put on a show every day at the same level despite feeling low and unmotivated. They keep going. On the other hand, those who are occasionally great, one day a week, they perform excellently, and their performance is superb, but they slack off on the remaining 6 days. You do not want to have a mindset of having a great performance once a week but instead have great performance every day, and even if it is impossible to have a great performance every day, at least be close to that level of (good) performance consistently.

Knowing these few pointers would benefit you greatly and I wish you the best in achieving your goals!
